Listing your token on the Uniswap Exchange. What should you know?

We’re actively engaged as market makers on Uniswap, analyzing vast amounts of liquidity data from the exchange daily. We’ve helped token projects get listed there and manage their pools by providing liquidity and contributing to volume growth.

Blockchain technology can be complex for some newcomers and navigating it can be tricky if you’re new to this tech. That’s why we have developed tools to ensure safe listing and can actively manage liquidity in pools to match market changes, so you don’t have to worry about it. With our expertise you can protect yourself from sniping bot attacks during listing and use your token treasury efficiently for liquidity without risking losses.

If you’re considering a listing on Uniswap, we can guide you through the process, and help establish liquidity for your pool. Contact us for our insights on listing and advice on the best strategy for your token.“ – Michal Rozanski, Co-founder & CEO at Empirica