Entries by empirica

How to list a token on Uniswap V4?

V4 is the latest version of Uniswap, which provides customizable pools with unlimited fees and automated strategies. Let’s consider whether V4, which promises minimum trading costs and increased earnings, could cause an influx of investors from V3 pools. Why you should consider creating a pool on Uniswap V4? Read about the main differences of the new V4 compared to the previous V3 version.

Wash trading crypto – definition, detection methods and the impact on crypto markets

The impact of wash trading on the market is significant. Wash traders use algorithms to simultaneously buy and sell the same asset to create artificial trading volume. This, in turn, can lead to artificial price changes, which do not reflect the actual supply and demand dynamics. Learn more about this kind of market manipulation and detection methods.

Listing on PancakeSwap – how to set up a pool and add liquidity

A comprehensive tutorial on how to prepare for and conduct a token listing on PancakeSwap. We will cover what you need to know to set up the pool and how to obtain information about liquidity depth, starting token price, and other important details.

Crypto Vaults: What are they and how can token issuers benefit?

Vaults are among the most exciting innovations and DeFi developments for token issuers (Web3 companies and DAOs). The concept of vaults was a response to the need for secure and automated management of digital assets within the DeFi ecosystem.

What drives investors away from trading a token

You have introduced a product that has strong fundamentals, active community and a clear use case. But your trading volumes still are not satisfactory and instead of rising, the price is very volatile. What is the main reason? We try to bring you closer to the liquidity metrics that investors are watching…

Token listing during bear market

Even in a bear market, there can be success stories, but it’s also a time when many projects struggle or fail. Is it worth listing a token or waiting for a change in market sentiment? There are some aspects to consider when making a decision…

Slippage and Market Depth on Uniswap v3

Critical aspects of token liquidity on DeFi platforms are: market depth and slippage. In our recent report prepared by Empirica Liquidity Lab: “Token Liquidity Ranking on Uniswap V3”, we calculate these metrics for 500 most liquid tokens.

Empirica at International DeFi Day 2023

The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is evolving at an astonishing pace, and our company is at the forefront of this revolution. On the occasion of International DeFi Day 2023, Empirica’s co-founder Piotr Stawinski delivered an enlightening presentation titled “Building Token Liquidity on Decentralized Exchanges”.

The Rise of Layer 2 Blockchains

One of the biggest things invented in crypto in recent years is the model of a Layer 2 Blockchain. In other words, we are talking about the Ethereum Rollups, one of the most popular scaling solutions, that are about to bring the masses to the crypto space. However, only some know how they work or how to bridge to L2s.

Listing on the Uniswap Exchange – what should you know

A comprehensive tutorial on how to prepare for and conduct a token listing on Uniswap. We will cover what you need to know, what criteria you should consider when selecting a crypto exchange, and how to obtain information about liquidity depth, starting token price, and other pertinent details.