Tag Archive for: blockchain

The Rise of Layer 2 Blockchains

One of the biggest things invented in crypto in recent years is the model of a Layer 2 Blockchain. In other words, we are talking about the Ethereum Rollups, one of the most popular scaling solutions, that are about to bring the masses to the crypto space. However, only some know how they work or how to bridge to L2s.

Blockchain healthcare companies with native tokens – most promising projects to keep an eye on

Although Digitization is currently the smallest sector in DACS, it has some great use cases, including helping brands establish digital identity, accepting crypto payments directly, and allowing patients to digitize their medical records without a loss of privacy.

Blockchain meetup sponsored by Empirica, Wroclaw

Monday June 19th a beautiful sunny day in IT-friendly Wroclaw, tech start-ups and cryptocurrency enthusiast gather together at IT corner Tech meetup, sponsored by Empirica.

The event was planned to focus on key areas of current trends in Blockchain and Ethereum.

The event began with Mr Wojciech Rokosz, Ardeo CEO presentation. The session was dedicated to introduction to the economics of token. Explaining the new changes and updates we are and we will face in our economy with this huge entrance of virtual currencies.

The event later carried on with Mr Marek Kotewicz on introduction to Blockchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum. The session was summarizing the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The third and last part of the event was conducted with Mr Tomek Drwga, Blockchain meetup organizer,  diving deeper into smart contracts and programming ( introduction to Solidity) for Ethereum.

The event ended with open discussion between the audience and speakers, and visitors were served with beverages.



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Bitcoin and Arbitrage: hand in hand

Everything one needs to know about DASH

The evolution in ERC20 and the era of ERC223

The ever-evolving Ethereum Blockchain brought to Cryptocurrency and ICO investors a new gift, the ERC223, a new standard for tokens created on Ethereum. Until now, the newly created tokens on Ethereum public Blockchain should have followed the ERC20 convention. This, by all means, was a huge success and relief for both token owners and investors of that token. ERC20 makes sure the behavior of the token on Ethereum is standard with a defined typical list of rules. The ERC223 is an improvement of the ERC20 protocol and is backward compatible with ERC20, meaning every wallet and software that supports ERC20 works with ERC223. So to get a better picture of this improvement, maybe it’s better to break down how these tokens are created, and let’s start with the ERC20 tokens.

ERC20 and how do such tokens are created? 

ERC20 protocol allows token owners and developers to create a token that complies with common, essential behavioral rules. The standard is popular now, especially among ICO investors and their communities. Thanks to ERC20, investors can be certain that the following statement can be true if the token is ERC20:

  • Technically tokens can be accepted by almost all exchanges
  • Tokens are transferable, and all Ether wallets will automatically store the newly created tokens
  • Transactions using that token are done smoothly

A token is in compliance with ERC20 if the developer of the token contract implements the following interfaces:

  • The token name with the function returns the name of the token.
  • The token symbol with function symbol, it returns the symbol that the token will use.
  • The token decimal places a function that returns the unit8 decimals the token uses.
  • How much the owner wants to start off with: function balanceOf, it returns the account balance.
  • The number of tokens in circulation: function totalSupply, it returns the total token supply.
  • The transfer value: function transfer (address _to, unit256 _value), this function is in charge of the transfer events. the function should revert a transaction if the sending account _from does not have sufficient balance.
  • The transfer from: function transferFrom, this function is used for withdrawal workflow, it allows contracts on the Blockchain to transfer tokens on the token holder’s behalf.
  • The crediting permission function allowance (address _owner, address _spender), it returns the amount which the buyer (_spender) is allowed to withdraw from the owner (_owner).
  • The events: with function transfer (address indexed _from, address indexed _to, unit256 _value) its triggered when a token has been successfully transferred and function approval (address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, unit 256 _value) this must trigger on any successful call.

What did ERC223 add to ERC20, and what are the advantages?

Initially, the idea of ERC223 came to play when the number of lost tokens on Ethereum Blockchain went skyrocketing, this was due to the lack of possibility to handle incoming transactions. Ethereum Blockchain is a leading network for a number of lost tokens. The top 8 ERC20 contracts with losses will come up to approximately 3 million USD worth of tokens. how does this happen? once an ERC20 token is sent to a contract that is not designed to work with that ERC20 token, the contract will not reject the tokens because the contract does not recognize an incoming transaction. Consequently, the token will get stuck in that contract balance. ERC223 will allow users to only send their tokens to either wallet or contracts with the same transfer function, preventing the token’s loss. ERC223 introduces the function transfer (address _to, unit _value, bytes _data). This function transfers tokens by invoking the function tokenFallback in _to, only if _to is a contract. This will allow the smart contract to handle sent tokens actively. Whereas when an ERC20 token is transferred, the token contract is not notifying the receiver that the transfer has occurred, to that end, the address receiver has no possibility to handle the incoming transaction and, therefore, no way to reject not supported tokens.

A seamless token transfer is another advantage of ERC223 over ERC20. An ERC20 transaction between a regular (not a contract) and a contract are two different transactions. These two functions need to be triggered, first, the approve function on the token contract and later the transferForm on the other contract (the receiver). ERC223 has addressed this more efficiently by allowing to use of the same transfer function. ERC223 could be sent by only calling the transfer function on the token contract with no if the receiver is a regular wallet address or a contract. Due to this shortcut, another advantage that ERC223 has is the gas cost, ERC233 consumes almost half as much as an ERC token.

So as discussed above, ERC223 advantages over ERC20 come down to the following points:

  • provides a possibility to prevent accidentally losing tokens
  • Allows users to transfer tokens anywhere (owned address or contract) using one function
  • allows contract developers to manage incoming transactions, contract developers could implement contracts in a way that only works with some specific incoming tokens and handle them in a specific way which could also each token could be handled in a specific way.
  • ERC223 consumes almost half gas as ERC20

Currently is not possible to upgrade the existing ERC20 token contract to ERC223, but if you are planning to create your own, maybe it’s a good idea to go with ERC223.

Learn more about different types of cryptocurrencies. Here you will find an article about the details of the Ethereum blockchain. and Ethereum merge.

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Bitcoin is known as virtual money, but a much better term is cryptocurrency. Unlike actual cash, there are not any coins or paper money formally produced. No government entity determines how much and when to discharge it globally. Bitcoins are made digitally by individuals as they solve complicated math problems with their own computers. In most senses, it’s truly decentralized.

Among the intriguing things about virtual money is that all trades are saved and printed publicly. The money is traded by means of a huge peer-to-peer network that encompasses the whole globe. When there are not a lot of rules concerning Bitcoin, you will find a few, and this also assists with creating bitcoins a real currency that functions just like “normal money”


Next, we are going to have a look at a few of how Bitcoin is different than conventional currencies. It is these differences that make Bitcoin this kind of potent potential. Nobody individual, government or corporation controls the Bitcoin network. This is not the sole difference, but so let us peek at some things which are exclusive to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin vs. Traditional currencies

  1. Bitcoin is decentralized

As it functions as a peer-to-peer system, all trades and confirmation of trades are done by several folks in the network.

  1. Bitcoin is a virtual currency.

Another thing that sets Bitcoin aside from conventional money is the fact that it is virtual. Rather, all bitcoins exist within virtual space. Consequently, you can not visit an ATM and withdraw bodily cash. The conventional currency may be published when governments choose to publish more. To distribute the production of bitcoins being introduced into the planet, the amount that are made by “mining” will be half each four decades. It follows individuals will continue to have the ability to make them before the year 2140. At that moment, no fresh bitcoins will be generated and the present design will enjoy the advantages of lack – i.e. getting more precious.

To save the block string of trades in consecutive purchases, Bitcoin trades aren’t reversible. Furthermore, a Bitcoin trade can take ten minutes or longer to confirm. That is different compared to other currencies that normally procedure trades in seconds and allow for turning a fee to a credit or debit card.

  1. Bitcoin isn’t ubiquitous.

In many areas, you’re going to have the ability to exchange your country’s money for invoices of the country you are visiting. And regardless of where you go on the planet, you are likely to have the ability to exchange your money for services and goods. Bitcoin has not yet been adopted by the entire world at large. This will change in years to come as more companies start to take Bitcoin for repayment, but for now it is a gap that matters to lots of individuals.

Good and Poor of Bitcoin

As it is decentralized and normally has reduced prices for trades, many men and women have started to take note and become enthused about this and other cryptocurrencies.

Another thing to notice is that a few people today worry about the controls the Bitcoin network. The fact is that because it utilizes peer-reviewed technology, no 1 individual or business can have the Bitcoin network. This might seem frightening to some, but it is exciting and revolutionary to others.

The demand for all variants of Bitcoin applications to be harmonious and be an able success, most people that are involved realize that this and also have worked together to enhance the Bitcoin applications and community substantially in just a couple of short decades.

And that just might be what is equipped to assist Bitcoin to grow much faster globally. This may prove to be the financial system that brings the world together.


The basics you should know

Let us start by taking a look at the different items you want to get a cryptocurrency working. We are going to begin with the fundamentals and then move to more details about what you will have to begin.

The transaction – the very first thing that you want to think about using a digital currency is the trade – that the true exchange of value from 1 individual to another. Though this might seem easy, in several ways it can be simple to devise a trade to attempt and cheat the machine. With physical money, transactions are regulated by banking associations that affirm they are not forged and therefore are unique.

A serial number – to prevent people from seeking to forge trades or reuse them with virtual money, you require a means to connect a special serial number to every individual and each trade too. Bitcoin does so by utilizing a personal and public encrypted secret. These hashes are utilized to create certain transactions are not replicated in the system, and there is no way to cheat the system. When Bitcoin was set up, it had been understood that banks might be taken from the image entirely if a peer-reviewed network was produced to confirm the transactions between two things. This decentralization of financial transactions is among the largest reasons so many clever men and women are becoming excited about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Mining – The following bit is necessary to create Bitcoin work. When it’s too simple for trades to be confirmed, folks may program robots to flood the system with verifications, which makes it tricky to really check the transaction. To fight this, the notion is to make it computationally tough to check the transaction. This assists battle against the bad guys while at precisely the exact same time offering a means to reward individuals who provide up computing ability to check the transaction. The computational mystery needs to be tough enough to make it impossible to hack on simple enough to enable individuals still to resolve in a reasonable period of time.

Create a private and public key that’s unique for you. This can be used to move bitcoins for you also as enable you to move bitcoins to other folks in the network.

Speech if you would like to get BTC from somebody else on the community. At precisely the exact same time, you may use a different Bitcoin address created so as to cover services or goods.

The following step is a trade being created when the real swapping of BTC happens between a seller and buyer. This can be added to the block series where others are going to check the trade (by solving the mathematics problem) and publish particulars of this trade publicly.


Recognizing how Bitcoin functions may be intriguing to some, but there are actually a couple of ways that you can lawfully get bitcoins – regardless of where you reside on the planet. Provided that you have an online connection as well as the Bitcoin software installed, then you are likely to have the ability to start using this digital money. The best news is that it is really rather simple to start to develop your Bitcoin wallet should you’ve got a little spare time.

First, It Ought to Be noted that it is really tough to buy bitcoins It is quite simple to issue a chargeback on a charge card. If a person purchases BTC using a charge card and then reverses the fee, it is really hard to prove to the credit card companies the trade actually occurred.

It is important to keep in mind that the worth of a single BTC is quite volatile at this time, so you probably don’t need to spend everything you’ve got in this digital money. At precisely the exact same time, the prevalence of Bitcoin is increasing across the world, and a number of people happen to be getting wealthy by building up big heaps of bitcoins virtually through methods and means we will explain below.

Regardless of which kind of computer you are running, there is likely to become an installer app to get you up and running in almost no time in any way. Many men and women find it takes about 5 to 10 minutes to acquire a Bitcoin customer installed and attached to the community.

Make certain that you take your time to discover a client you are familiar with using. Most are extremely similar, but a few have a few additional bells and whistles which may make it much easier for you to begin.

Even though you might have the ability to discover a service that delivers a high degree of safety, it is not exactly the exact same level you would have if you set up the applications in your computer in which you have full control. Coinbase is among the very popular online Bitcoin wallets today.

Whichever you decide on, once it is set up, the next step is simple. You will Create a private and public key. This is the Bitcoin speech that will enable folks to send BTC to your accounts. As soon as you’ve got your own Bitcoin wallet installation, you have a couple of distinct choices about the best way best to accrue BTC on your wallet.

Bitcoin Exchanges

Bitcoin exchanges were not about when Bitcoin first came out, but they are now an essential component of the way the entire Bitcoin ecosystem functions. Some exchanges have Bitcoin, among other digital currencies on the internet, in addition to marketplaces that deal exclusively by BTC trades.

It is intriguing to note that some of those marketplaces will maintain a balance For you – out of your Bitcoin wallet – to be able to make it simpler to conduct transactions. Deciding on the ideal Bitcoin exchange is important when you want to remain safe rather than risk losing your BTC equilibrium because of a scam or technical issues.

Security — the essential aspect that you wish to consider is safety. In case a Bitcoin exchange is fresh to the world wide web and is lacking contact info, this is a great indication that they probably don’t care a lot about the safety of your private info. Fortunately, if you spend any quantity of time around the numerous Bitcoin forums and communities on the internet, you will see which exchanges suffer from issues, and then exchanges are advised. For instance, some Bitcoin exchanges may not let you withdraw money into a US bank account. It is a fantastic idea to ensure whatever market you are considering using has a means that you convert your BTC to regional money safely and easily. In 2013, a few people started complaining about the amount of time that it required MtGox to move funds into the US, therefore, it is a fantastic idea to once more hit on the forums and attempt to gauge public opinion about any trade you are considering using. Then let us have a glance at a few of the main Bitcoin Exchanges currently working. New ones are emerging all of the time, but it is usually a safer bet operating together with a single which has been in existence for some time and has managed to accumulate a history of being reliable and fair.

CoinBase — This is among the hottest Bitcoin exchanges right now. They give the capability to move money to a US bank account. That being said, if you reside elsewhere in the world, you might not be pleased about being unable to move funds to the regional bank accounts.

MtGox — At once, MtGox was accountable for the vast majority of all Bitcoin trades on the Planet. This has changed lately as they have run into some legal issues in various nations around the world, but they are still an extremely popular Bitcoin exchange that a lot of men and women utilize daily.

BTC-E — This site is located in an unknown town in Bulgaria, so you may be careful about maintaining any BTC here. The costs per BTC are usually a whole lot lower, but that is only because it requires a ridiculous quantity of time to validate that trade. Nonetheless, it’s a choice you may look at based on where you live now.

Bitstamp — This market is comparable to CoinBase in a lot of ways. The most important distinction is they regularly work with individuals in countries aside from the USA, which makes it effortless to move BTC to overseas currencies. If you’re searching for a really international Bitcoin exchange, this is a great place to get started. We mean you could exchange different cryptocurrencies too. If your digital money investments go beyond Bitcoin, then you will want to check out Cryptsy.

BTer — With slow trade speeds and limitations on how big trades, this is not really recommended, however, we believed they deserved a place on the list only because they do serve the demands of some men and women who utilize Bitcoin.

BTC-China — Some of the quickest growing Bitcoin exchanges — based on Wired magazine — is BTC-China, which has ramped up its attempts lately. By some reports, they have overtaken MtGox since the location where many Bitcoin trades occur daily.

Learn more about different types of cryptocurrencies.

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Dapps are computer applications that eliminate the need for intermediaries in any present centralized service by enabling anybody to rely upon an anonymous counterpart to execute the most varied kinds of agreements and deals at a 100% electronic method.

In Ethereum, programmers may also write business logic and arrangements in the kind of smart contracts, which can be implemented automatically when their requirements are satisfied by both parties and educated to the community. These contracts may save information, send and receive trades and also interact with different contracts, irrespective of any controller.

At first, the expression “smart contract” was used to describe using computer systems (or other automatic methods) that aimed to influence particular agreements.

As an illustration of a clever mechanical arrangement, we could mention a machine that sells soft drinks or snacks. When you put a coin or note on those machines, a computer system programmed to spot the amount received along with the selected product enforces an arrangement between the customer and the machine operator, executing an automatic purchase.

The dapps and intelligent contracts operate from the Ethereum blockchain, which had its first architecture conceived by a young Russian genius in the time in the age of 19, called Vitalik Buterin, who picked the subsequent name due to his white paper: “Ethereum: A Platform of smart contracts along with next generation decentralized software.”

From “second generation,” Buterin describes the instruments added to his creation that, in theory, can resolve easily and objectively several bitcoin’s blockchain constraints and thus usher in stage 2.0 of their cryptocurrencies.

Everyone can upload programs or smart contracts into the Ethereum network. The platform development group sought to make everything as straightforward as possible to amplify accessibility to technologies.

As an application programmer, you may need anti-virus infrastructure to install and install your own applications. Anything which may be represented mathematically could be mimicked, ensured, and exchanged through Ethereum. Once being written in a programming language approved by the stage, just upload the code onto the stage, fill in the first variables, and ship. Following that, the task becomes the stage, which within a couple of seconds, converts the code into machine language, compiled in bytecode, and afterward mined, it’ll have the ability to run.

Once uploaded, the arrangement is going to be saved from the blockchain, and other customers will have the ability to get it directly via the system or via any API (Application Programming Interface) designed to get it. Because of this, the arrangement, depending on the identification of these terms established inside, will automatically meet the assumptions specified there and may, as an instance, ship or receive numbers from 1 individual to another.

Additionally, like bitcoin, with that, you don’t need to rely upon a lender or central ability to maintain your fiscal funds protected; from Ethereum your private data, identity and capital will also be under your control at all times, given inside your wallet. And, of course, that their software is also protected from denial of service attacks because of the nature of its technologies.

What’s Ethereum good for?

Most of the services we use today have one factor in common: they’re centralized. So, for example, you hope that your bank can keep your money secure and be audited independently and honestly.

The same goes with Facebook when you carry an image of your kids, once you send a document to Dropbox, or even once you go to an appointment in the hospital and enroll in the health network for your personal medical advice. If you work as a developer, you have to file your application to a program shop, and you risk getting it removed for the most trivial and varied reasons.

History has continuously shown this centralized model is flawed but essential to ensure confidence levels between counterparts. Nonetheless, this is complex and too costly for everyone involved.

Remember that everything centralized makes it easier to strike because it provides one Purpose for a goal, including a website firewall.

Applications built on Ethereum don’t require your customers to trust developers with personal information or money. Back in Ethereum, your personal information remains yours your funds remain yours and your articles stay yours. Because it is decentralized, its most important benefits are that it is a transparent, hackerproof system that’s constantly live.

Since Ethereum permits you to start your own currency, you can make any kind of company stock on the stage or represent ownership of any object, such as a car or a house.

You can think of this as a programmable dispersed system. The fact that Ethereum is, by its very design, resistant to fraud and adulteration means that it offers a fresh range of solutions to the daily problems which are currently solved at exorbitant costs. Voting machines, domain registration, registration of legal records, medical applications, transfer of goods, services, smart property and contracts between individuals, standing systems, and financial derivatives. All these programs can be produced on a network where users keep track of their funds and individual data constantly.

A DAO is composed of a couple of contracts and could be funded by a group of individuals with similar notions. A DAO operates completely independently and transparent of any human intervention, for example its original creators. A DAO will stay in the community as long as it covers its survival costs and supplies a useful service to its customer base.

Ethereum also allows programmers to create, for example, different decentralized markets, shop debt documents or guarantees of payments, transfer funds according to previous instructions (for instance, a Purchase / sell purpose or a prospective contract), and several other items which have been Devised, all this automatically, without an intermediary or counterparty risk.

Learn more about different types of cryptocurrencies here and here about ERC20 and ERC223 standards. Here is our take on the Ethereum merge.

About us

Empirica is a Wrocław-based company that supports many local IT initiatives. Empirica offers solutions such as Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading Software implemented by major institutional investors in Poland, market makingwealth management software framework, crypto trading bots, and cryptocurrency software development for companies from capital and cryptocurrency markets.

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A brief guide to Litecoin

What is Litecoin and how does this differ from Bitcoin?

Since Bitcoin was established in 2009, many other blockchain assets have been released with modified versions of Bitcoin’s code, with varying levels of success. Litecoin is one such altered variant and was launched in 2011 with the essential aim of earning transactions faster. This is also one of the main differences versus Bitcoin. Litecoin is currently the seventh-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization.

The motivation behind its formation was to improve Bitcoin connection to the volume and speed of transactions. While practically speaking, Litecoin and Bitcoin work in precisely the exact same style, Litecoin differs from Bitcoin in aspects such as a quicker block generation rate and the use of a different type of algorithm called script. The block creation is four times as fast on Litecoin, which means faster transaction times, making Litecoin more appropriate for handling obligations. What’s more, Litecoin is significantly more efficient in terms of energy consumption in the mining process, and ordinary consumer-grade house computers may handle the mining.

As Litecoin retains the deflationary feature of Bitcoin by limiting the maximum amount of coins that will ever be generated (84 million), it’s often known as the ‘digital silver’ into Bitcoin’s ‘digital gold’.

Popularity, with the cost increasing fivefold in only three days into an intraday high of USD 48, as the early adopter crypto community started to look for alternatives to investing in Bitcoin. Favorable evaluation comparisons were printed with Litecoin before trading at approximately USD 3-4. The steep and surprising rally was followed by an equally steep.

Litecoin found new prominence when it became the biggest Blockchain advantage up to that point to implement a new technology that divides the number of their transaction data in the block and allows more transactions to be set on the same block. But Litecoin stole a march on Bitcoin as it proposed the implementation of this SegWit solution, and from March, it accumulated considerable support from the Litecoin community.

Because of this, Litecoin strongly outperformed Bitcoin involving when Bitcoin also progressed towards implementing the SegWit solution, the Litecoin rally stalled. Since Bitcoin continued to rally, Litecoin has lost about half of its value relative to Bitcoin at a month.

A much more directly related competitor in the kind of the recently created Bitcoin Cash. Both have features designed to make transactions quicker and easier and to allow these cryptocurrencies to act as payment mechanisms and achieve wide adoption.
There are several reasons in favor of the two crypto assets. Though Bitcoin Cash has the benefit of a larger block size, entire, Litecoin appears to be further advanced in implementing alternatives to improve transaction speed. Including testing the lightning network, an instantaneous and very affordable layer for processing trades, including microtransactions off the blockchain.

There’s also a valuation argument in favor of Litecoin, as the market capitalization of this newly created Bitcoin Cash is roughly twice that of Litecoin. At the same time, Litecoin is accepted as payment and used by many companies.

On the other hand, the name recognition of ‘Bitcoin’ and the long history of the first code may signify that, ultimately, more will embrace Bitcoin Cash.

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